Doppler for Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands

Satellite Visible image of the Caribbean
Satellite Rainbow IR image of the Caribbean
Satellite Water Vapor image of the Caribbean
Saharan Air Layer image of the Atlantic
IMAGES Courtesy of :

Current Weather at Isla Magueyes Field Station
La Parguera, Lajas, Puerto Rico
La Parguera Station Climatological Records
Climatological Records for La Parguera Station (Summary)
Climatological Records for La Parguera Station (Summary) |
2015 |
2017 |
Climatological Records for La Parguera Station (Complete)
Climatological Records for La Parguera Station (Complete) |
2015 |
2017 |
Current Weather data is available from a Davis Vantage Pro 2 Series weather station installed in the Biological Oceanography Laboratory at Magueyes Island Field Laboratory, in Lajas, Puerto Rico. This system provides measurements of barometric pressure, temperature, humidity, precipitation, wind speed, wind direction, and solar irradiance, that are updated every 15 minutes.