A new Seabed-type Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV) was delivered in December 2009 to the Bio-optical Oceanography Laboratory and initialy tested at Isla Magueyes in La Parguera. The AUV was developed by Dr. Hanumant Singh from the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. This vehicle was built with funding from NSF's MRI Program for optical and acoustic imaging of shallow and mesophotic coral reefs in Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. The main imaging sensors are a Delta-T multi-beam sonar and two high-dynamic range color cameras. High definition video and fluorescence imaging capabilities will be added in 2010.

The sensor MODIS detected the smoke plume of the fire at the Caribbean Petroleum Corporation, in San Juan, Puerto Rico on October 23, 2009. These image were processed by the Bio-optical Oceanography Laboratory. The images were from MODIS Terra (250m 10:55AM AST), and MODIS Aqua Images (250m 2:00PM AST) (Images courtesy of www.gsfc.nasa.gov)

On September 22, 2009, Luis Lugo (Vitamina) was given a recognition award for his valuable efforts in collecting and maintaining data and information of the weather stations from the National Weather Service (NWS). Luis Lugo is also part of the Bio-optical Oceanography Lab staff and works with different instrumentation in the lab. From left to right: Dr. Nilda Aponte (Director, Department of Marine Sciences); Israel Matos, (Director of NWS, Puerto Rico); Luis Lugo, and Zulma Martinez.

Bridge to Programs in Atmospheric Sciences and Oceanography: (June 8, 2009) University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez Campus. One day workshop designed for students commencing their first year of university with a special interest in Atmospheric Sciences, Meteorological and Oceanographic fields. Activity was focused on experiences and academic opportunities in areas of interest to NOAA. This workshop integrated seminars and activities with Atmospheric Sciences and Marine Sciences professors and students.
Saharan Dust and Human Health: (July 6, 2009). Dr. Yasmin Detres was interviewed on this topic in the TV show “Entre Nosotras”, (Local TV: WAPA TV channel) on July 6, 2009. This program is transmitted across the Island and on the Internet.
NASA Aerosol Data Network for Student Research: Aerosol and Climate workshop: (July 13-17, 2009) University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez Campus. This Symposium was conducted by Dianne Robinson, EPO Director for the African Dust research project lead by Olga Kalishnikova (NASA JPL). The program focused on development of a network of educators and their students collecting data on aerosols using the hand held sunphotometer and downloading aerosol data to the website. Dr. Detres presented a summary of the NCAS Sahara dust research tools and results.
The Dynamics of a Changing Universe: Initial Steps for Teachers in their Venture to Achieve Educational Excellence: (July 12-16, 2009) La Parguera, Lajas, Puerto Rico. A retreat experience designed to explore, learn, and share the knowledge of our changing world through field trips to different settings around Puerto Rico (coral reefs, mangroves, salt ponds, dry forest, humid forest, bioluminescent bay) with hands-on activities and seminars. The twenty K-12 STEM teachers from Puerto Rico and the United States learned about the dynamics of the universe and appropriate techniques to transfer this knowledge to teachers, students and the general public. This workshop connected educators and experts in different fields in the venture to achieve educational excellence.
Puerto Rico Weather Camp 2009: (July 27-August 1, 2009) University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez Campus. The PRWC was held from July 27 to August 1, 2009. A total of 16 high school students from public and private schools across the island had the opportunity to participate in this unique event to learn about the fields of meteorology, atmospheric sciences, oceanography, and marine weather. The students explored the diverse academic and professional opportunities in these fields with seminars, demonstrations, field trips, site visits, workshops, and special projects. The UPRM Atmospheric Sciences Program, Caribbean Integrated Ocean Observing System (CarICOOS, NOAA), and CoHemis were co-sponsors of this event. Participant agencies and institutions were as follows:
- UPRM Program in Atmospheric Sciences & Meteorology:
Dr. Hector Jimenez, Dr. Luis Bejarano
- Puerto Rico Seismic Network
- National Ice Center/ NOAA NESDIS: Dr. Pablo Clemente.
- National Weather Service: Meteorologists Rafael Mojica & Orlando Bermudez
- UPR - Rio Piedras: Dr. Ricardo Morales
- Caribbean Integrated Ocean Observing System: Prof. Julio Morell, Dr. Jorge Corredor, Belitza Brocco, Carlos Anselmi, Dr. Jorge Capella

Expo Huracanes y Casa Segura 2009: (August 9, 2009): Students from the PR Weather Camp 2009 participated in a special event which provided information to students (and their parents) having a special interest in meteorology. Our group was interviewed by the TV presenter and chief meteorologist, Ada Monzon. Professors from the UPRM Atmospheric Sciences Program, representatives of the American Meteorological Society (AMS), and National Weather Service (NWS) meteorologists were also invited to this event held at Plaza Las Americas shopping center in San Juan, Puerto Rico.

The University of Puerto Rico in Mayaguez held it's 2009 graduation ceremony in which six doctoral and five master degrees students graduated from the Department of Marine Sciences. Three students graduated from the Bio-optical Oceanography Laboratory; Marcos Rosado and Debbie Cedeño obtained Doctoral degrees in Marine Sciences and Maria Vega obtained a Masters degree in Marine Sciences. Both Maria Vega and Debbie Cedeño were NCAS supported students.

The NOAA Center for Atmospheric Sciences (NCAS) invites you to join us in the Puerto Rico Weather Camp 2009. In this residential camp you will explore the fields of meteorology, atmospheric sciences, and oceanography, among others. Through numerous seminars, workshops, interactive activities and field trips you will gain knowledge about diverse topics including tropical meteorology, impact of climate change in the Caribbean, atmospheric research, and ocean observing systems. In addition, you will also have the chance to meet experts in these fields and learn about different careers and opportunities in these areas.
2009 PR Weather Camp Information Flyer Español English
2009 PR Weather Camp Application (English)
WHEN: July 27-August 1, 2009
WHERE: University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez .
For more information about the PR Weather Camp 2009 contact:
Dr. Yasmín Detrés
NOAA Center for Atmospheric Sciences (NCAS)
Department of Marine Sciences
University of Puerto Rico Mayaguez
PO Box 9013 Mayagüez, P. R. 00681
E-mail: yasmin.detres@upr.edu
NCAS is funded by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Educational Partnership Program with Minority Serving Institutions